September 17, 2015
Today, playgrounds are focusing more and more on safety for kids, and rightfully so. The era of toxic paint, sharp metal edges, and hard-impact surfaces is coming to an end as playground materials and design become better-thought out.
Other important contemporary considerations are popping up, too. If you’re planning to put up a playground that will complement your modern home, there are some great ideas and tips to think about so you can make it an enjoyable and safe one for your kids.
August 07, 2015
August 03, 2015
July 29, 2015
July 22, 2015
Playgrounds bring kids -- and adults together. One would think that an open play space and a couple of children with their guardians needing a bit of fresh air and exercise are the perfect ingredients for a fine day.
Not necessarily. Needless to say, these five kinds of parents you will likely meet in the playground make play time more interesting.
July 13, 2015
The most vivid memory of my childhood occurred late one warm afternoon at our neighborhood playground. This particular playground was not unlike many of the day with little more than a wooden structure connecting a slide, a tunnel and a set of monkey bars, sitting a top of an unkempt sand base filled with ruts and weeds.
July 02, 2015
June 30, 2015
June 29, 2015
Ever since Michelle Obama opted to install rubber playground mulch at the White House playground, rubber mulch has gotten a lot of coverage in the press—some positive, some negative. However, not too many media sources have taken the time to explain in plain terminology: Just what IS this rubber playground mulch stuff, anyway?
June 02, 2015
Knowing how much rubber mulch to order can save you a lot of time, money, and effort. Determining how and why you will be using rubber mulch is the first step in being able to effectively calculate your total requirements and costs.
May 12, 2015 & team up in this educational Playground Safety Guide for Parents. {Infographic}
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